Winterizing Your Home Against Pests | Accel Pest and Termite Control

Winterizing Your Home Against Pests

23 Dec 2024 in Pests, Rodents
A midwestern home covered in snow and ice in the winter.

Winter is here—so it’s time to bring out the snow shovel, bundle up, and get ready for friends and family to visit and celebrate the holiday season. However, while you cozy up your home for the cold weather ahead, uninvited guests will try to come inside to ruin your winter spirit. 

From rodents scurrying through walls to insects hiding under furniture, pests can cause disruptions to your home’s peace and health during these chilly months. To help you prepare for all the December bugs and rodents you could encounter, let’s review some pest control tips and learn why pests invade during winter. We’ll also discuss how you and your local Accel pest control expert can protect your home all season. 

Where Do Bugs Go in the Winter?

As temperatures change, so do the behaviors of the pests we treat. Insects and rodents must adapt to the cold by seeking warm, food-rich environments for survival. Unfortunately, your home provides the perfect conditions, with a steady heat supply, ample food sources, and hidden spaces perfect for nesting.

For many pests, entering your home during winter is a matter of survival. Once inside, they can reproduce and, in some cases, cause costly damage to your property. 

Mice and Rats Don’t Hibernate

Mouse during the winter

It’s a common misconception that rodents like mice and rats hibernate during winter. Unlike some mammals, these pests remain active throughout the year. However, they cannot survive the cold outdoors, drawing them to invade homes in search of shelter.

Once inside, rodents can cause considerable damage while also running the risk of contaminating your home with diseases and droppings. They chew through walls, wiring, and insulation, creating fire hazards and expensive repairs without effective rodent prevention

Fleas and Cockroaches are Cold-Blooded Culprits

Cockroaches and fleas are cold-blooded pests, meaning their body temperatures depend on their environment. As outdoor temperatures drop, they seek warmth to prevent their metabolisms from slowing.

Cockroaches are notoriously hardy. They can survive in walls, under furniture, or between appliances, quickly reproducing while remaining largely undetected. Fleas, on the other hand, often hitch a ride into your home on the fur of your pets, relying on their body heat for warmth. Once inside your home, both pests will thrive in the stable environment of your home and create infestations that can last all winter.

Box-elder Bugs Can Be Fooled by Your Heater

Box-elder bugs

Box-elder bugs, easily recognized by their black and neon-orange markings, typically hibernate in large groups during the winter. With a preference for dark, secluded areas, they settle into crevices in your home’s siding or exterior. However, if they feel the warmth of your home’s heating system, it’s common for them to be fooled into thinking spring has arrived.

When this happens, box-elder bugs emerge in droves, creating a nuisance that seems to come from nowhere. While they don’t bite, their droppings can stain furniture and fabrics, making them an unwelcome guest at any holiday party. 

Virginia Spiders Thrive in the Winter

One of the most common winter pests, spiders thrive when the weather turns cold. As their prey—other insects—move indoors, many common species of spiders in Virginia follow suit. Several varieties of spiders breed in the fall, and their eggs hatch in time for winter infestations in basements, garages, attics, and other secluded areas of your home.

Spiders can help control other pests, but their presence often signals a more significant infestation. Some species may even pose a threat to humans with their venomous bites. So, whether you’re worried about black widows haunting the corners of your windows or finding a brown recluse in your bathroom, you’ll want to keep these critters away this winter with spider control from Accel

Do You Need Pest Control in the Winter? 

Keeping your home protected during the winter is just as important as in any other season. Pests may slow down in cold weather but often become a more concentrated problem indoors. If you’re dealing with winter bugs in your house, rodents roaming through your walls, or want the best pest protection before the infestation starts, Accel Pest and Termite Control can help!
Contact us today to schedule a free winter pest control estimate so your home stays shielded from any unwelcome pests this new year.