When is Termite Season? - Accel Pest

When is Termite Season?

11 Jun 2023 in Termites
wood damaged by termites

What are termites?

Termite colonies can contain up to 1 million members and cause over $2 billion in damages each year. They can be broadly classified into three groups: subterranean, drywood, and dampwood.

For the purposes of this blog post, we’re going to focus on subterranean termites, as they’re the most common kind of termite in Virginia. Their colony consists of workers, soldiers, a king and queen, and reproductive swarmers called alates.

When do termites swarm?

Termites’ main source of food is cellulose. This is why termites cause damage to your home–construction wood is a great source of cellulose. Termites also require an environment with a lot of moisture because they dehydrate so easily.

Because of these requirements, we know that termites generally swarm around March through June. Be especially vigilant after rainfall as the excessive moisture creates the favorable conditions termites seek.

Where will I find termites?

Since the pests can often infest homes for years undetected, responding to early warning signs is key to preventing serious damage. The most commonly observed warning signs are the presence of winged swarmers on windows and near doors, mud tubes in the ground, and evidence of damaged wood.

Subterranean termites typically nest underground so check for mud or soil in the tunnels they burrow into wood. Subterranean termites also create maze-like patterns as they chew through wood. Tap the wood. If it sounds hollow, you’ve got termites.

Termites will set up their colonies in an area with moisture. Typically, that is underground, which is why the subterranean termites are so common. However, an above-ground source of moisture can be a viable substitute for a colony. Termites may set up an above-ground colony near a roof leak or a leak in a pipe.

The Hampton Roads Community is home to some of the highest “termite pressure” in the country. Accel Pest and Termite Control is here to help. We offer termite control services in Virginia Beach that will make sure your home and your family stay protected long into the future.

To learn more about our termite control in Virginia Beach, give us a call today at (877) 716-7522 to request a consultation.