Norfolk Termite Control - Accel Pest

Norfolk Termite Control Services

Termite isolated on white background stock photo

Professional Termite Control in Norfolk & the Southeast Virginia Area

Not all risks to your home can deal with an immense amount of devastating damage in an incredibly short amount of time. When it comes to termites, the damage can happen slowly but can be just as much, if not even more catastrophic. A termite colony can silently eat through the wooden structure supporting your home, with potentially serious and consequences. At Accel Pest and Termite Control, we understand this risk, and our team offers superior termite control services to keep you protected and to negate the threat that termites can bring.

If you are looking for professional termite control services in Norfolk, VA, or the surrounding area, you can count on us. Our pest control experts use the latest technology and have years of combined experience. We know exactly what to do to get rid of termites in your home once and for all. Contact us to learn more about what we can do to make your home a better and safer place for you today!

Proudly Offering Termidor® Termiticide & Sentricon® Products

Termite colonies are such a huge problem to deal with because even small colonies can contain thousands of termites. With large infestations, getting the entire colony out can be downright impossible. That’s why we’re proud to offer Termidor® termite control products. Termidor is an undetectable termite poison that has a virus-like capacity to spread throughout colonies. While undetectable to the bugs themselves, the poison is transferred from one termite to the next until it eventually spreads through and kills off the entire colony.

In addition to Termidor® termite control, Accel is proud to offer the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System. The leading “green” option for getting rid of termites, the Sentricon® System works in a way that is non-toxic and safe for your entire property. Eliminating infestations by spreading bait, Sentricon® travels all the way to the center of a termite colony: the queen.

Once the colony is eliminated, you will still need regular, routine checks and treatments to ensure that your termite infestation stays away. We’re proud to offer these treatments and help you keep your total and complete peace of mind that your termite problem is gone for good.

Do you have a termite problem? Do you want to make sure your home remains protected? For both preventative solutions and termite extermination services, call the pros at Accel Pest and Termite Control at (877) 716-7522 today.

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Nobody likes to think that their home may be at risk for serious damage as a result of termites, but the truth is termites are far more common than many people think. Statistics show that approximately 600,000 homes across the United States suffer from termite damage each year—to the tune of nearly $5 billion in damage and repair costs. That means there’s a good chance that your home will likely experience at least some form of termite damage by the time it is approximately 30 years old. Termites can sneak through even the tiniest cracks and gaps in exterior walls, and before long a colony of thousands of termites will take root where you aren’t even aware.

You may have a termite issue if any of the following are true:

  • Piles of termite droppings in certain areas on your property
  • Small, winged bugs appear regularly in your home
  • Bubbling or peeling paint on your walls
  • Rotting or damaged wood in your attic or outside your home
  • Sagging floors, walls, or ceilings
  • Mud termite tubes near your foundation

When it comes to termites, you absolutely can’t leave your home up to chance. At Accel Pest and Termite Control, we understand this, and we deliver effective and long-lasting termite solutions that keep you and your home safe. Our Norfolk termite control technicians all have at least 10 years of experience in the pest control industry, making them true experts in their field and a name you can trust. We know where to find termites, how to spot signs of damage, and how to make sure that your problem is removed completely for both the short and long term. We also deliver customer service that isn’t matched anywhere else, and we always make sure you’re completely satisfied with every treatment or pest control service we provide.